About us

The association was formed over 38 years ago by Local Taxi drivers interested in matters concerning the trade. In the early years it was run mainly for the social side; football matches, dinner dances, children's outings etc. As time went by, it got more involved in attending meetings run by the now defunct Joint Hackney Carriage Committee, but it took some years before we were invited to air our views and concerns over trade issues.
Council changes meant there was no longer a Joint Hackney Carriage Committee and the trade was to be run by Licensing. Unfortunately, the old MLTDA faded away into obscurity in the late 1990's.
Born Again
In late 2005, drivers Ian Walton, Sean Reilley and Graham Humphreys had great concerns about a trade with no representation. They then started to reform the association and approach the right candidates for committee. They needed volunteers who were willing to spend time without payment, on behalf of their colleagues.
Mike Smith was asked to take on the Chairman's post as he had previous experience in this field and Ian Walton became Vice-Chairman with many drivers becoming Committee Members, a list is on this web site. Jim Smart was later recruited as Secretary. Thus the M.L.T.D.A. was reborn and working as you now know it today.
Today the association is strongly involved in regular discussions and meetings with
Medway Council,
and Other Relevant Public and Private Groups
Your association needs you!
Alone we are nobody but together we have a strong voice. We hope that the few who have not yet joined us will do so in time, as the bigger we get the stronger we get. With the right people backing the M.L.T.D.A. it can only get better for the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire trade in Medway. Also, it would be a tremendous help to the MLTDA if the members gave us their email addresses. We want to be able to send you the Newsletters electronically. Send your email address (or get the kids to do it) to the MLTDA office email address. --- office@mltda.co.uk --- Many thanks for your cooperation, it will help us all a lot!
The MLTDA is a non-profit making Association.